Wednesday, October 13, 2010
So this week is my country week I guess you could say. This week I will be reviewing Darius Rucker's new cd along with The Band Perry's debut cd. I've only listened to Rucker's new cd once through but I already am liking it, so I shall write about it along with The Band Perry's possibly tomorrow.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
My review
So I shall be giving a review of Jamey Johnson's new cd The Guitar Song, Kenny Chesney's Hemingway's Whiskey, and finally of Bring Me The Horizon's There Is A Hell Believe Me I've Seen It, There Is A Heaven Let's Keep It A Secret. So I would just like to say that I am not exactly a huge Jamey Johnson fan in the first place but I do respect him for trying to make a more traditional country. His last album was very good but I don't think it deserved all the praise that it got, but his new album definitely does. I've listened to it a few times through already and then just hitting on a few of the songs I really like. It flows amazingly well from start to finish. The first song "Lonely At The Top" is an amazing album opener I believe. It's also one of my favorite songs off the album. Poor Man's Blues is another great song off the album. Aside from Macon, My Way To You, and maybe Front Porch Swing Afternoon I don't think any of the other songs could be a single. Not to say that the other songs are filler songs though, its just that they don't stand very well on their own. Overall I'd give the album 4.5 stars out of 5. It's probably the best country album released this year, and I think its safe to say that Jamey Johnson, if he hadn't already, is at least now ready to fill the man in blacks shoes. Basically if you're a fan of modern country or your a traditional country fan either way you should probably buy it because its an enjoyable listen.
Kenny Chesney's Hemingway's Whiskey is my next album under review. Now I'd like to point out that I do love Kenny Chesney, however I can't say that he's ever had a complete album that I could listen to all the way through without skipping over a few songs. With this album though he's made something special. It starts off with the hit single "The Boys Of Fall" and doesn't stop there. This is an album that you pop in on a lazy saturday afternoon when your home and you have nothing to do but just relax. My favorite song off the album is by far "Where I Grew Up". From the title you might think it to be a song about Kenny's hometown or the house he grew up in. He surprises you with this one though as its actually a song about the moments in life that cause you to mature a bit. He cites seeing his mom cry for the first time at his grandpa's funeral for example. Overall its a very well written song and though not the most upbeat song I'm sure it could hit everyone on an emotional level. Another song off the album that I think stands out is "Coastal". There isn't anything that is just phenomenal about this song, its just about leaving your job and your hectic life to live life on a vacation almost on the beach. It's not that Kenny hasn't done plenty of songs like this, but I do think this might be his best one yet about the subject. Overall I'd give this album a 4.3 star out of 5 star. It's in my opinion Kenny's best album to date and I think anyone who likes him will fall in love with it, and if you just like modern country music I think you'll also at least find a few songs you like.
Last is Bring Me The Horizon's There Is A Hell Believe Me I've Seen It, There Is A Heaven Let's Keep It A Secret. Now I have been waiting for this album to come out for quite a long time, and I've got to say Bring Me The Horizon didn't disappoint with this one. They definitely expanded upon what they started doing with their second album "Suicide Season" and it was for the better. The album opener "Crucify Me" is a definite sign that the album will have a different sound than the others. It has more actual singing in this album, and a lot more gang vocals. The songs also seem to be a little bit more personal than they do on the other albums. The song that stands out as the most personal, and is my favorite, is "Don't Go". During this song it almost sounds like the singer Oli Sykes is actually breaking down into tears near the end. Its a great album and I believe it to be the most accessible and the best album by Bring Me The Horizon. The best songs off of the album are "Don't Go, Crucify Me, It Never Ends, Anthem, Alligator Blood, and Blessed With A Curse". Even if you don't buy the whole album at least get those songs cause their worth it. Overall I'd give the album 4.5 stars out of 5. It might even be the album that crosses Bring Me The Horizon over into the more mainstream metal I guess you'd say. I could see "Don't Go" in particular being the song that brings them to a wider range of audience, or brings a wider audience to the more underground metal sound.
Kenny Chesney's Hemingway's Whiskey is my next album under review. Now I'd like to point out that I do love Kenny Chesney, however I can't say that he's ever had a complete album that I could listen to all the way through without skipping over a few songs. With this album though he's made something special. It starts off with the hit single "The Boys Of Fall" and doesn't stop there. This is an album that you pop in on a lazy saturday afternoon when your home and you have nothing to do but just relax. My favorite song off the album is by far "Where I Grew Up". From the title you might think it to be a song about Kenny's hometown or the house he grew up in. He surprises you with this one though as its actually a song about the moments in life that cause you to mature a bit. He cites seeing his mom cry for the first time at his grandpa's funeral for example. Overall its a very well written song and though not the most upbeat song I'm sure it could hit everyone on an emotional level. Another song off the album that I think stands out is "Coastal". There isn't anything that is just phenomenal about this song, its just about leaving your job and your hectic life to live life on a vacation almost on the beach. It's not that Kenny hasn't done plenty of songs like this, but I do think this might be his best one yet about the subject. Overall I'd give this album a 4.3 star out of 5 star. It's in my opinion Kenny's best album to date and I think anyone who likes him will fall in love with it, and if you just like modern country music I think you'll also at least find a few songs you like.
Last is Bring Me The Horizon's There Is A Hell Believe Me I've Seen It, There Is A Heaven Let's Keep It A Secret. Now I have been waiting for this album to come out for quite a long time, and I've got to say Bring Me The Horizon didn't disappoint with this one. They definitely expanded upon what they started doing with their second album "Suicide Season" and it was for the better. The album opener "Crucify Me" is a definite sign that the album will have a different sound than the others. It has more actual singing in this album, and a lot more gang vocals. The songs also seem to be a little bit more personal than they do on the other albums. The song that stands out as the most personal, and is my favorite, is "Don't Go". During this song it almost sounds like the singer Oli Sykes is actually breaking down into tears near the end. Its a great album and I believe it to be the most accessible and the best album by Bring Me The Horizon. The best songs off of the album are "Don't Go, Crucify Me, It Never Ends, Anthem, Alligator Blood, and Blessed With A Curse". Even if you don't buy the whole album at least get those songs cause their worth it. Overall I'd give the album 4.5 stars out of 5. It might even be the album that crosses Bring Me The Horizon over into the more mainstream metal I guess you'd say. I could see "Don't Go" in particular being the song that brings them to a wider range of audience, or brings a wider audience to the more underground metal sound.
A change in blogging style
So this blog started out as a school project my junior year and continued into my senior year. When I first started it I didn't really like the idea of having a blog, but I sort of came around to it. While in school it had to be used obviously for class projects and also for my own interest in my free time as long as it was school appropriate. However, now I've decided that I will continue on with the blog and make it a sort of music review blog. I had done this some when I was in school but I've decided that I kind of want to continue on doing it now. So basically once a week I will write a review over at least one new album I have gotten. This week I have 3 albums that I will write reviews over. My musical taste is very scattered about I guess you could say and I think my music reviews will reflect that. So in my next post I will be writing reviews over The Guitar Song, Hemingway's Whiskey, and There Is A Hell Believe Me I"ve Seen It, and There Is A Heaven Let's Keep It A Secret.
Friday, April 30, 2010
My Favorite Character
This is a picture of my favorite character out of all the plays that we've read. His name is Algernon Moncrieff from the play "The Importance of Being Earnest". This was also my favorite play. Algernon, or Algy as he's often called, was by far my favorite character. He was a very witty character who always seemed to have a funny opinion about things. I loved his lines in the play because he was the one who would get to say the puns or just plain nonsense at times. I also liked him because he was so concerned with food, that it was practically all he would ever talk about. I also liked him the most because I read his part in the play.
My Favorite Play
This is a picture from the play "The Importance of Being Earnest". I thought this was by far the best play that we have read all year for a few different reasons. Obviously because it was a comedy, a British comedy at that, which I really liked. I also just liked the storyline that the play followed. I thought that the character Algernon was absolutely great too. He was a kind of sarcastic character who just said what was on his mind and I like that. I also just liked that we acted this one out and I was involved in it.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Emily is getting on my nerves today. I swear I think I just want to slap the girl. She just sits and makes fun of me all throughout the class and its rather hurtful. I don't feel like writing anymore because she is about to make me cry.
Alan Jackson, Josh Turner, and Chris Young
So this is basically going to be my Friday night. I'm extremely excited to see these three guys. Alan Jackson is one of my top 5 favorite country artist of all time. (Brad Paisley is #1) They are going to be at Roberts Stadium Friday night in Evansville at 8:00. I was originally going to see them with one of the guys that I work with, but his mom is coming in from St. Louis because he graduates from college Saturday. Then I was going to go with a friend of mine from school, but her parents don't know me and don't like the idea of their daughter being out late in Evansville with some guy they don't know. Which is very understandable, I would have been more surprised had they let her go. However, now the guy's mom isn't going to come in till early Saturday so he can go with me. I was actually rather worried I would be going by myself. I was still going to go since it cost $70 per ticket and I didn't want to waste the money.